Sunday, February 20, 2011

Celibacy: Day Six

And on the sixth day god created man and a woman for him to look at naked and have sex with because the internet wasn't invented yet and masturbation was still pretty new and not much fun without boobs to look at.

"You should ask my sister out." Said my barista. "I told her about your thing though."

Is celibacy a character flaw, even if only for a month?

"This guy would be awesome except.. well, there is one thing... He doesn't masturbate. Not for a month anyhow. First time after may be dangerous. Steer clear."


  1. No, she probably means it's not good to tempt you right now...or you're a dork. :P

  2. That I am a dork is a given. Temptation lives all around me, Julia.

  3. If you got arrested & had to spend 3 weeks in jail it wouldn't be. Plus, you'd have free food & toilet paper.

    I am brilliant!

  4. I have to assume that jail has terrible toilet paper.
