I was raised in the LDS church...you know, the Mormons...anywho...The Mormon church is one of those "no sex before marriage" religions (and yes those holes count too). Because of this, I didn't lose my virginity until I, though still in high school, was of legal age to do so, (with my older, college girlfriend [go me]). I know that isn't exactly super old, but I felt like everyone else had done it and I was missing out on my youthful, consequence-free, sexual debauchery. After college-girl and I broke up, I sortof tried to make up for lost time.
I am not the most attractive, charming or intelligent man in the world, but I am attractive charming and intelligent so I do aight. The idea of a trial period of celibacy recently popped into my head. 30 days. Before you get all up in arms about how easy this should be keep in mind that:
- I am getting some.
- My celibacy will include denial of the art of self pleasure.
I brought up the idea with my good buddy Wayne. Tears running down his face from laughing, he said "You have got to do it." Wayne likes to see me suffer.
I brought up the idea with the person I am currently getting some from and she asked, "Why are you doing this?" and I realized that I didn't really have an answer.
"It would give me something to write about in my blog," doesn't feel like a sufficient answer and it crossed my mind before I considered writing about it. So why do it?
I guess originally it was just an idea for an experiment. What would happen? Could I do it? How would my mood and day to day change? The more I thought about it, the more I wondered about the changes it could cause.
It frees up some time right? I don't mean in an "I spend 8 hours a day engaged in sexual activity" sort of way, but the preoccupation of sex is a time consumer. Even masturbation you have to get out your tissues, set up the computer, get comfortable, find appropriate material online and then just as you are about to be done with it, the materials get unsexy and you have to find something worthy of the grande finale. What a chore!
OK this is a slight exaggeration but truly the effort that I put in to the general idea and practice of sex could be well spent elsewhere. My life is a mess and I know it so I want to see how concentrating my efforts away from sex will affect my actions.
Also how will it affect my dating? I have had relationships started and ended because of sex. I have had relationships based purely on sex and relationships where the sex ran out.
Sounds a bit extreme for 30 days of no sex, but truly, I enjoy the sex. I do OK with the ladies. I have the sex more than once a month. I masturbate. Regularly. *GASP*
"You have to do it from Valentine's to the Ides of March!" Wayne says, "Think of the symbolism of ending on the anniversary of a famous stabbing!" Wayne really likes seeing me suffer.
So, starting tomorrow, my experiment in celibacy begins. If nothing else it should provide amusement at my misery. Ideally I find a zen like mastery of myself and take over the world. What the fuck am I thinking? *sigh*